Top Five Movie Making Podcasts You're Not Listening To


“You should start a podcast!” 

We’ve all heard that phrase. Sometimes said in jest, but mostly said with the kind of conviction usually saved for wedding vows and movie characters swearing vengeance for the death of a loved one. Either way, there’s no denying that there’s a ton of podcasts out there covering every subject imaginable. Love collecting rare primate skulls? There’s a podcast for that. Interested in visiting all the remaining drive-in theaters left in the US? There’s a podcast for that too. Obsessed with mid-90s South Carolina funk band, Dag? Well, there’s probably not a podcast for that, but you should totally start one. 

Now, when it comes to podcasts about the film industry, let’s just put it this way – there’s a lot more than one. Of course, you’ve got the big, more well-known podcasts like Indiewire, Filmspotting, and Scriptnotes, but like anything on the internet, it’s hard to discover new and exciting voices when the internet always wants to steer you in the direction of the popular kids. So, with variety in mind, here is a list of the five best movie-making podcasts you aren’t listening to.  

#1: Making Movies Is Hard 

If it has something to do with movie making, Liz and Alrik are going to talk about it. Their show is a catch-all in the world of independent movie-making. Editing? They’re gonna talk about it. Cinematography? They’re gonna talk about it. The filmmaker struggles no one else sees? They’re definitely gonna talk about it. With years of boots-on-the-ground experience, seamless chemistry, and tons of witty banter, if you’re a filmmaker, movie lover, or just like some good conversation, Making Movies is Hard is the best podcast you’re not listening to. 

Making Movies is Hard is available on Youtube and all major podcast platforms

#2: The Movie Marketing & Distribution Podcast

Movies and money. As interconnected as higher education and crippling debt. Despite what every Tik Tok thousandaire will tell you, making content costs money. And while the other entries on this list aren’t at the forefront of popularity, when it comes to getting and making money in the film industry, you want to hear from the experts. Host Alex Sotz brings in some of the brightest minds in movie marketing and distribution to help give you the tools you need to finance a feature-length production from start to finish.       

The Movie Marketing & Distribution Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms.

#3: Top Docs: Award-Winning Documentary Filmmakers

For those of you who think all it takes to make a documentary is to put a person in front of a camera and just say, “go,” shame on you. Second, you really need to give Top Docs a listen. With each episode, hosts Mike and Ken sit down with a filmmaker to discuss their documentary. You’ll appreciate the level of engagement and a real sense that they come prepared with a respectful amount of knowledge of every filmmaker they interview and the subject matter they discuss. If you’re a fan of deep dives into documentaries, look no further.     

Top Doc is available on all major podcast platforms.

#4: Capturing Light - A Director of Photography's Podcast 

DP Les Gaddis brings a loose conversational style when interviewing the behind-the-scenes heroes that make all the actors look cool and all the producers look smart. From talks about balancing work and home to getting to play with the latest filmmaking toys, Capturing Light manages to give a glimpse into not just the days of filmmakers but the lifestyle as well.      

Capturing Light is available on all major podcast platforms.

#5: The Just an Editor Podcast

While host Cory Cudney’s content output record isn’t great (my man had a year plus between his last episode and his latest), this is definitely a case of quality over quantity. His latest episode features a one-on-one sit-down interview with the editor for the phenomenal, “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once,” Paul Rodgers. Cory’s good-natured vibe keeps his guests and audience entertained and engaged, while his background as an editor in the gaming industry gives him a unique perspective on the intersection between gaming and movie-making.    
The Just an Editor Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms.

Montgomery McPhee